A Beloved Time Pass Drifting across the open ocean, Slow, steady, calming Bending brushes with each stroke, Colors bloom Feverish, impatient, calming Relaxing under the beautiful sky, Stormy, turbulent, calming Waiting for the next word, At her feet Warm, cozy, calming Originally posted 3.22.20 on my Instagram account
Affirming Life in Water The pandemic has been a rather difficult time so I shared this on my Instagram account on 6.23.20 but I still find it to be a rather helpful tip. Instead of dropping beneficial habits, modify them to make them easier to fit into our current lives and reinstate
Dealing with Jealousy Jealousy, envy, evil eye, mal de ojo As I mentioned in a previous post, there's a lot of ways to react to jealousy. But today isn't about your jealousy. It's about when other people are jealous of you. The Mundane First, and foremost, remember
When Spirit Says Leave This was one of my favorite songs, it carried me through as much as it needed to and it has a special place in my heart. It's the song I think of whenever I need encouragement to do a difficult thing, especially when the thing we are asked
Group/Live Readings Le sigh I'm not here to bash or shame. I've been there. We've ALL been there. And sometimes, you need to be there. One good thing is that people generally do these for free or by donating what you can. That means that if
Caring for the Crown For my conjurers, get another bottle of your favorite your hair oil and put a generous amount of Crown of Success Oil in it and when you oil your hair, pray and speak affirmation into it. Pray to your higher self that they guide and aid you in bringing about
Honoring Difference They say that your experience of the world is unique to you. You could be standing right next to me, looking at the same sunset and not see the exact same color. If we could be looking at the exact same thing and still not experience the same thing, how